Sunday, April 6, 2008

Our first BMW

To all our friends and whanau,

The new Watt family (QLD division) just got our very first BMW. Bodhi Miles Watt made a speedy entrance on March 24th at 2222. - The midwife proceeded to tell me this is her favourite time of night because when she looks at adigital clock it looks like four swans swimming. This appeals to my rose coloured world until I wonder if she was inadvertently calling our babe the ugly duckling....

Following a crazy day day at the Goldy we arrived at the car park scored a rock star park that was very handy indeed later that evening, decided the midwives would just send us home if we popped into the hospital for a visit - besides he wasn't due for another week or so! Island protocol says you call the ambulance when labour begins. A quick discussion about whether we should give it a burl ourselves in the spa on the deck resulted in Mum being called, followed by Adam at the local Ambos.

Nothing like a few hard core contractions to loose that sense of humour. Dr. Frauline Helga, who I am positive is a direct relation to Hitler, proceeded to read me my last rights and query whether I had read the pamphlet on some drug I was denying through the middle of a contraction. Super dad intervened, with words of wisdom and sanity that calmed the situation and it was back to business.

Cooper is a champion and is sleeping better now than before the birth. I can see the two of them ganging up to teach us a few lessons. Its been two weeks - almost and there have been a few biting attempts intercepted by either the mum or dad and slightly more pinching attempts. I am singing the praises of arnica continually. The anxiety levels have been reduced by 78%...

Its nice being back in a world dominated by baby stares, sleep deprivation, breastfeeding, backaches and mummydom.

Rob found this labour much easier than the last and is doing well. He feel she has healed well and although still hs the tummy to loose, feels he is doing well.

All drama aside we are all well and healthy. Bodhi is every bit as beautiful as his brother - another fluke? I guess it is all a bit "same same, but different".

XX Lauren Rob Cooper and wee Bodhi