Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mummy guilt replaces Catholic guilt

This one is about me....
So I thought Catholic guilt was the driving force behind the majority of lifes dilemmas .... Nope I have stumbled and dived head first into a new level of self depreciating, emotional, punishment - MUMMY GUILT.
Mummy guilt is an insidious condition that creeps up slowly then before you know it has replaced the warmth of a clingy child on the left side of my hip and is slowly wrapping tendrils around the inside of of your rib cage. It gets worse when you know you are running late 'cause you didn't walk fast enough to the car and arrive home with a small person fast asleep in bed. The guilt doesn't leave nor will a band aid help - (friends may suggest Valium - I'm pregnant)
Low and behold mummy guilt and small people know how to work together. A result of not returning home in time to feed bath and put the small person to bed lead to a gut wrenching no cuddles morning. Its taken nearly two hours and the cheeky smile is starting to reappear. In the mean time my stern mummy voice is quavering for fear of not being loved at all or prolonging the 'silent' treatment.
There are no prayers, no salvation through community only a small white pill that may provide half an hour of relief but no doubt followed by an increase in sinking feeling deep in the depths of the emotional centre.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Shoes, handbags and all things glitz and glamourious

Too funny ...

Cooper running down Nans hallway with her high heels on and a Listerine handbag slung over the shoulder.

The kid has style.

As I type he has put his fav shoes on (or at least one of them as we lost the other on a particulalry adventurous bike ride) and is pushing batteries from the remote into a plastic bottle.

We had a huge ride yesturday up and down the 7 kms of of Macleay Island with only two stops along the way. Seven Kms is doable - the 14 return trip (with significantly more uphill) is not yet doable. I think we are having another 'active' small person. I can see the next 6 or so months doing crazy bike riding around teh 7 by 4 kms island we live on....

Time to go

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Sun kissed bum

Ahh the delights of a good giggle escaping frm the mouths of babes.

A delicious trip south to visit a fairy god mother and a very pregnant Aunty Meals resulted in nakedness running up and down the sandy beaches of Northern NSW. Truely the most beautiful part of this nation.

Cooper playing in rock pools and letting the surf chase him resulted in giggles and let the sun kiss his bum.
Searching for treasure and finding 'jewels' from the is something to make every heart yearn for childhood times.