Monday, January 21, 2008

Catch up

OK so the deal is I log on and write to god knows who, the ramblings of a pregnant mind.... Christmas was totally fabulous filled with Grandies and Aunts and Uncles from around the globe. The past few weeks have been totally wonderful. Filled with visits to old friends, weddings, swimming with dolphins (and that was just last weekend).
Life is good, wedding plans are going/coming... everything is being left with a "öh well if it doesn't happen no worries" Relaxed and chilled filled with life and love - not to mention those lovely hormones kicking in.
I am totally amazed that the royal "we" have planned a wedding, have a functionaing and extremely gorgous Cooperman, growing another, and working full time. Call me supermum/wonderwoman of something to the like. I am bloody proud of myself!
And I managed a blog entry!